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Home » Archery, Crossbows & Accessories » Archery / Bow / Crossbow Targets

Product ID: BH_BLOCK B56600
Block Black Crossbow Target 20
Block Black Crossbow Target 20

Block Black Crossbow Target 20

BLOCK BLACK CROSSBOW ARCHERY TARGET - Its high density layered foam design makes the BLOCK Black Crossbow target the BEST crossbow target on the market. - Open Layered Polyfusion Technology - Easy Arrow Removal! - Fusing the internal layers to the inner target wall results in more uniform layer compression which in turn means easier arrow removal. And easier arrow removal means less shooter fatigue which means you'll get more and better practice! - Longer target life! - PolyFusion™ also results in longer target life. Because the layers are fused in place they hold their position. Arrows find their way between layers. Previously when an arrow hit a layer head-on the layer would buckle. This resulted in layer damage that reduced target life. - STOPS ALL Broadheads & Field Tips! - NEW! BLOCK BLACK CROSSBOW 20 - Size: 20x20x16” - Special high density core is designed to stop the excessive speed of a crossbow bolt! The NEW BLOCK BLACK Crossbow 20 also features new faces specifically designed for the crossbow shooter. You have a face for shooting it close shooting it long shooting it precise and shooting it real so you can really tune in your crossbow.

List Price: $167.99
Price: $149.99
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